
The collaborative browser-based Model UN committee management app

Create a committee


Using a shareable link delegates can:

Upload files
Add themselves to speakers' lists
Add and edit amendments on resolutions
Propose motions
Vote on motions
Vote on strawpolls

Everyone will see all updates in real-time, without needing to refresh the page. It's like Google Docs, but for MUN.

For virtual MUNs, we recommend pairing Muncoordinated with Discord, which allows you to speak, pass notes, & share files and links.

If you've got a big committee, multiple directors can manage it at the same time, using the same account.

Backed up to the cloud

You won't have to worry about data loss ever again. All committee activity is automatically saved to the server, so you can start sessions with all data available from the day before.

A comprehensive feature set

Muncoordinated supports:
  • Moderated and unmoderated caucuses
  • Resolutions and amendments
  • Motions
  • Roll-call voting
  • Custom delegations
  • Strawpolls
  • File uploads
  • Delegate performance statistics

Free and open-source

All of Muncoordinated's features are available for free, not locked behind paywalls.

It's also open-source, so you're free to customize it to your needs and liking.


Made with 💖 by Max Bo, with assistance from the UQ United Nations Student Association

Copyright © 2024